Sedona Arizona Vacation

Sedona Weather & Temperatures

Weather and climate in Sedona is relatively pleasant all year depending upon desired type of vacation adventure. Day time highs are most ideal during spring and autumn when high temperatures range in the low to high 70 degrees F. But keep in mind that nighttime temperatures can drop quickly by as much as 25-30 degrees.

High temperatures during the summer months range in the 90s and could reach 100 degrees. But evenings cool quickly and reach low temperatures in the 60s. The Fall months of October and November bring "Spring-Like" highs in the 60s and 70s. It is simply beautiful in Oak Creek Canyon when the golden colors of Autumn arrive. Light dusting of snow can occur during the winter months.

Current Weather and Climate Forecast

Sedona Average Temperatures and Sunset Times

To help plan your vacation to Sedona, Arizona, the following weather chart shows average monthly temperatures, rainfall, sunrise times and sunset times. Spring includes late February, March, and May. Summer includes June, July and August. Autumn is generally late September, October and early November. Winter months are December, January and early February. Please plan accordingly.

Sedona Weather Chart

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