Sedona Wedding Flowers & Florists

Wedding flowers are important to your style and theme. These Sedona Florists create the floral arrangements, bouquets, corsages, and table center pieces that will match the theme of your Sedona wedding and bridal attire. Take fabric samples to your Sedona florist for the design of flower creations.
Sedona AZ Wedding Flowers
Bliss Extraordinary Floral
40 Soldiers Pass Road, Suite 16
Sedona AZ, 86336map
928 282-3445
Bliss Extraordinary Floral is a full service floral/decor studio, offering the finest quality product for fresh, silk or dried floral arrangements. Our extensive list of wholesale vendors and availability of high quality products, allows us to create dramatic floral designs in any style, including rustic Southwest, European, Oriental and Victorian.
Plan A Wedding In Beautiful Sedona